A girl born without arms was abandoned immediately after birth. However she is now happy with another family who adopted her. How does she look like now?
Wonderful little girl, always smiling. It is immediately obvious that the child is loved.
Little Vasilina was destined for the sad fate of an orphanage child. The baby was born without both hands, and her own mother abandoned her, barely looking at the girl.

Soon the baby found herself in the baby’s home. Vasilina grew up as a cheerful and cheerful little girl; she didn’t even seem to notice that she was somehow different from other children. Babies of this age are most often adopted, but the staff of the orphanage did not hope that anyone would want to take Vasilina. Children with such serious problems have virtually no chance of adoption.

However, the spouses Chris and Elmira Knutsen saw Vasilina’s photo on the adoptive parents’ websites. The couple already had an adopted son with a similar problem. Although Vasilina’s case was more complicated, the couple still decided to take the girl in and give her a real family.

Today little Vasilina lives in a house where everyone simply adores her. The girl does not suffer at all from the lack of hands; she manages all tasks perfectly, deftly using her legs. Vasilina can hold a spoon, fork or pencil with her toes. She even helps her mom wash the dishes! And the adoptive parents are not overjoyed at the success of their daughter, whom they are ready to support in any endeavor.