A blogger’s drastic transformation left fans shocked: Before undergoing 15 plastic surgeries, he bore a striking resemblance to Leonardo DiCaprio. How could you mutilate yourself like that?
Alexander Shpak, unexpectedly for many critics on the Internet, turned into an Instagram star and an idol of millions. Few people know that the shocking Sasha was born into an ordinary family of a teacher and a military man. Shpak received two higher educations.

Young Alexander became interested in sports. Shpak spent hours in the gym, setting new records every day. Behind the athletic shoulders of this man there are already 6 marriages, can you imagine?

However, Alexander found his happiness in his marriage to model Irina Meshchanskaya. The couple is in no hurry to have children, promoting their pages on Instagram. Today, many Internet users are discussing Alexander’s interesting appearance.

Do you know what the freaky blogger looked like before the 15 plastic surgeries that brought Sasha success and recognition on the Internet?

The other day, a man published archival photographs on his Instagram page.

In my opinion, Sasha was a real handsome man, wasn’t he? What do you think?