Man who had world’s first successful face and double hand transplant spoke out about life-changing car crash

Speaking up about the terrible vehicle accident that led to his receiving the treatment, a guy became the recipient of the first successful face and hands transplant.

Six years ago, in July 2018, Joe DiMeo was driving home after a night shift when he fell asleep at the wheel of his automobile, resulting in life-altering injuries.

Before anyone could reach him and save him from the blazing automobile, the man was hurt when his Dodge Challenger struck a curb, flipped over, and caught fire.

After 23 hours of surgery in New York, where he was given a poor chance of survival, he survived a face and double hand transplant in August 2020, despite having severe burns across a large portion of his body.

Joe claimed that because he “didn’t want to live how I was living,” he was “ready for the transplant when it was offered to me.”

“My car veered off the side of the road, hit a curb, flipped a couple of times, and then caught on fire,” Joe remarked in reference to the collision.

“My mod created a flame after scraping the curb, which produced a spark. The oil pan then split in the impact.

“I was burned to 80%. My eyelids were scorched, so they had to stitch them after amputating my fingertips to the second knuckle. It like peering through a chain-link fence.

He went on to say that his recuperation was “extremely challenging” and that he was unable to move his fingers for the first two weeks, requiring hospital workers to move them in order to activate his muscle memory.

He claimed that although he “lost a lot of fake friends” as a result of the disaster, he also discovered who he could truly rely on, noting that “you realise who your real friends are and you appreciate them more.”


Joe’s life has experienced some significant turning points since he learned that his donor was a 48-year-old stroke sufferer who had passed away two days prior to his operation.

A woman called Jessica Koby eventually reached out to him on social media, and they quickly became friends since they both adore dogs.

They both just announced that they were engaged, with Joe stating that “big things going down on December 5th” and Koby commenting, “I guess I’m the right one Joe asked and I said yes.” This suggests that their relationship is doing really well.

Additionally, she stated that she “can’t wait to get married,” suggesting that Joe and Jessica have exciting times ahead of them.

By Admin