She Got Revenge After Her Husband Left Her And Her Kids For His Mistress

Dealing with infidelity is one of the most difficult things we could ever face in life. Many people try to keep this to themselves but some expose the person on social media, regardless of the consequences. That is what one TikTok user did.

When she first met her husband-to-be, they were sweethearts in high school. She knew that he was the one for her when she first met him and they got married and even had three children together.

Her world came crumbling down one day when he told her that he was seeing someone else and wanted a divorce. It completely blindsided her and she felt as if her world had ended.

She couldn’t quite figure out how he had only known the woman for three months and he was willing to give up his family, including their three children. Despite her pleadings, he said that he was going to start his life over because he deserved to be happy.

Even though she tried to get him to stay he continued to pull away from the family. She decided that she would be as strong as possible for the children.

She did get to keep the house after the divorce proceedings and that was important because it was her grandmother’s before they bought it. She had to pay him a considerable sum of money, but after it ended, she was ready to move forward.

One day, she received a text out of the blue from her ex-husband. He was telling her he wanted to get back with her but she wasn’t going to allow him to do it. After everything that had taken place, she thought the relationship was over forever.

She also learned that the woman who he left her for wrecked his car while drunk driving and that she was not a nice person. Eventually, she was able to meet someone else through her sister who was also divorced. He didn’t plan on getting married but they did start up a nice relationship.

In the end, she was happy to watch her ex-husband suffer the consequences of what he had done. She admits that he brought it all on himself and even addressed her husband directly in the video, saying:

“So if you are watching this, enjoy your shabby one-bedroom apartment and her broken-down car. Oh, and my new partner and I will think of you on our vacation in Hawaii. I know Hawaii was the place you always wanted to go. Maybe I will send you a postcard.”

By Admin