«How could he cheat on his wife with her!» Here is who Schwarzenegger was in a relationship with secretly from his wife

Maria Shriver, Schwarzenegger’s wife faced changes in her life after Arnold Schwarzenegger decided to change it with a housekeeper.

This decision had an impact on her marriage, which lasted 35 years.

Two boys, the son of Mary and their housekeeper Mildred, were born just five days apart.

Maria began to suspect that something was wrong when she listened to conversations among the staff where Joseph was called a copy of Arnold.

Maria immediately asked her: «Is the boy Arnold’s son?» Mildred, touched by this question, asked for forgiveness.

Arnold’s beautiful wife could not come to terms with the betrayal of her famous husband and decided to get a divorce.

«What I did was vile. But I don’t want my son to feel bad or alone in this world. He is my son and I love him», said the actor.

Schwarzenegger accepted his son by providing financial support to his former lover, which arouses admiration and respect.

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