Man Left Looking Like ‘Megamind’ After Having Huge Reaction So Bad His Girlfriend ‘Couldn’t Look At Him’

Ryan Briggs from Blackburn shared a shocking experience about his severe allergic reaction to hair dye, which he jokingly said made him look like ‘Megamind.’

This transformation was so startling that his girlfriend found it difficult to look at him.

Last month, on July 27, Ryan went to his mother’s house after noticing a few gray hairs.

His mom applied some black hair dye she had purchased to help cover the grays.

After the application, Ryan experienced a burning sensation on his scalp. Being 27 years old, he brushed it off as nothing unusual.

However, the next morning, as he was getting ready for work, he noticed a scaly rash around his hairline.

Ryan Briggs noticed a rash along his hair lineKennedy News and Media

Throughout the day, his forehead started to swell significantly, turning him into what he described as having a ‘balloon head.’

“It was really badly itchy. I didn’t look like myself at all. It was horrible. It was massive. I looked like Megamind, it was bad,” he explained.

Following the swelling, his workplace sent him home, and he visited the hospital.

The hospital staff asked him to return the next day in case his condition worsened.

“I went home and my girlfriend was gobsmacked, she couldn’t look at me because I didn’t look like me, I had this big balloon head,” he added.

His head swelled up like a ‘balloon’Kennedy News and Media

The following day, Ryan woke up to find his vision reduced to one eye.

He ended up being transported by ambulance to the nearest hospital.

The doctors informed him that he had reacted to paraphenylenediamine (PPD), a common chemical found in many hair dyes.

To reduce the swelling, Ryan was prescribed a regimen of 25 tablets per day.

“I thought I’d wake up and it’d be gone, but I woke up and it was totally different. When I looked in the mirror that morning I didn’t know what to think,” Ryan said.

He continued: “I rang 111 and got an ambulance to come and get me as I obviously couldn’t drive as I couldn’t see.

“They said it was an allergic reaction to PPD, which is in the chemicals of the hair dye.

He said he looked like MegamindDreamworks

“I was in the hospital for about 13 hours, I got discharged at about 3 o’clock in the morning.

“They didn’t send me home with anything as they didn’t have it in stock. I had to ring my doctors the next day.

“My girlfriend had to go get the tablets for me from the pharmacy as I still couldn’t see.”

The NHS advises that anyone using hair dye should perform a patch test ‘even if you are using your regular brand,’ a precaution Ryan admits he skipped, not realizing its importance.

Though he’s feeling better now, Ryan is dealing with scabs across his scalp and is eager to warn others not to repeat his mistake.

He has now been discharged from hospital.Kennedy News and Media

“It’s fully gone now. My scalp is full of yellow and green scabs but my face has gone normal now,” he said.

“Always do a patch test. It could have been worse, it was going down into my neck and everything.

“That’s why they kept me in because if it had gone down to my neck it could have started to close my airways up.

“I’m glad it’s over now but definitely do patch test, one million percent.”

By Admin