But imagine: you check your account and see that you’ve been paid not double, not even triple, but 330 times your usual pay.
Or would you see it as God’s mercy and flee before the finance department realizes their mistake?
Let me go first: I would definitely give it a thought and might even treat myself to a fancy meal, but the anxiety of having that money suddenly reclaimed would weigh heavily on me.
But not everyone thinks the same.
Especially not this man from Chile who received an enormous overpayment and decided to vanish in thin air.
The incident occurred when Consorcio Industrial de Alimentos (Cial), a Chilean company specializing in cold cuts, mistakenly deposited 165,398,851 Chilean pesos ($176,795) into an employee’s account instead of his regular salary of 500,000 pesos ($534.45).
When the HR discovered their banking error, they immediately contacted their employee to visit his bank the next morning to resolve the repayment, according to Dario Financiero.
Things were going according to the plan but then the employee, who has not been named, decided to not show up.
Not only this, but the person completely vanished and didn‘t receive calls or messages.

After some time, he contacted via his lawyer and resigned from his position.
“He was informed and clarified that this money did not correspond to the payment of any service,” Chilean legal documents claim, as per Diario Financiero.
The company charged the employee with misappropriation of funds, aiming to recover atleast some of the lost money.
However, six months after the initial payment, news agency IOL reported in December 2022 that the police had been unable to locate the former employee.
Who knows, maybe he even started his own company?