As a result of this scandal, Maegan was fired from La Vergne police station.
Despite losing her job over her scandal, Maegan Hall, is still married to her husband.
Even after the reports of her affairs, Jedidiah confirmed that he plans to stay with Maegan.

Coffee County Sheriff Chad Partin, Jedidiah’s boss, also spoke to the Daily Mail about this whole situation.
He said: “I don’t know how he’s doing it, he’s more of a man than I am, but he’s trying to salvage his marriage.
“I don’t condone what went on at the La Vergne Police Department but he sure hasn’t broken any laws.
The investigation, which started in December 2022, resulted in the firing of a number of officers including patrol officer Juan Lugo-Perez, Sgt. Henry Ty McGowan, Sgt. Lewis Powell, and detective Seneca Shields.
Maegan’s former police chief Davis talked about the suspensions and termination to the media.